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ministry of water resources中文是什么意思

用"ministry of water resources"造句"ministry of water resources"怎么读"ministry of water resources" in a sentence


  • 中华人民共和国水利部


  • Information center of ministry of water resources , beijing , 100761
    水利部水利信息中心,北京, 100761
  • Remote sensing technology and application center , ministry of water resources , beijing , 100044
    2中国水利水电科学研究院遥感技术应用中心,北京, 100044
  • Based on data from the ministry of water resources , ninety percent of surface water in urban has been polluted
    基于水利部的数据,目前90 %的城市地表水被污染。
  • Hanjiang group is a large - sized enterprises , which was established and restructured in october , 1996 by danjiangkou administration of key water control subordinate to ministry of water resource
  • According to ministry of water resources statistics , china is in bad need of water - water availability per person in the country is only 2 , 200 cubic metres , or about enough for a shower for 5 , 500 people
  • In order to improve guanting reservoir water quality , ministry of water resources and ministry of science and technology put a pilot study on biological aerated filter ( baf ) for guanting reservoir water source
  • The institute was under the ministry of water resources and entitled the whole name as hebei research institute of investigation and design of water conservancy and hydropower under the ministry of water resources
  • According to the plan , mapped out by the national development and reform commission , and the ministries of water resources and construction , china hopes to cut water consumption per unit gdp by 20 percent compared with 2005
    根据国家发改委,水利部和建设部制定的这个计划,中国希望与2005年相比每单位gdp减少水消耗百分之20 。
  • Ministry of water resources and state planning commission issued " the management method for construction project of water justification " in march 2003 , marking the setting - up of water justification system in our country
    2003年3月水利部、国家计委颁布的《建设项目水资源论证管理办法》 ,标志着我国水资源论证制度的建立。
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